Open House for Butterflies
Open House for Butterflies makes a great gift to new parents. Sweet, tiny, and charming, it takes up hardly any space in the house, but much room in the heart. Each pages features a moment of life from a child's point of view. It's not a narrative story - more a series of vignettes that capture the sweet observations of little ones.
"I like little thunder"
Ruth Krauss and Maurice Sendak collaborated on a handful of books, and the combination is darling. In my opinion, paired with Krauss Sendak produced his sweetest creations. The illustrations are lovely, perfect for very young children, and deeply moving to parents.
"I think a race looks prettier when everybody comes in even."
So don't buy an adorable $20 onesie for your friend's new baby, that he/she will grow out of in a few weeks. Buy them a tiny sweet story which can be read to the baby for years to come, which celebrates the sweet innocence of those early times. They will love you for it!